18113 Wyoming Ave Detroit, Michigan 48221

18113 Wyoming Ave Detroit, MI 48221
18113 Wyoming Ave
Great Location!!! Must See!!! Building has been renovated and repaired from top to bottom and inside and out. The suspended ceiling tiles have been removed; however, the grid is still in place to make way for new insulation and drywall on the underside of the roof decking. The entire ceiling, ductwork, and supply registers were painted matte black to create a loft look. The walls have been repainted a pastel gray color; the floor is gray epoxy with a porcelain tile baseboard. The building features custom mirrors above the stations with beveled transition strips; two sets of outlets for each station...one at waist height and one below. Each of the lower outlets is on its own circuit. The electrical panel has been upgraded to 150-A with at least 30 spaces. There is bright vanity lighting above the built-in stations on one side of the premises and track lighting to provide additional lighting for an additional and individual station towards the rear of the building. The 8ft.
Extra Information for 18113 Wyoming Ave Detroit, MI 48221
  • Category: Homes for Rent
  • Amenities: AC
  • Listed Date: May 18, 2023
The Property "18113 Wyoming Ave Detroit, Michigan 48221" located at 18113 Wyoming Ave,Detroit / MI. The size of Homes for Rent is 0 sqt. It has 0 beds & 1 baths.The available amenities for this property are --AC.
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